Laura Pennafort

Wildlife Camerawoman & Filmmaker

Photo credits: Erin Ranney

I’m a wildlife camerawoman from Brazil, now based in Bristol, UK.


I've lived in Brazil for most of life, and moved to the UK at age 19 to study biology in university. After working in conservation and getting lots of field research experience in the rainforests of Brazil, in the coasts of the Mediterranean and across the UK, I realised that my true passion was in wildlife filmmaking.

In 2021, I produced and filmed my first independent, self-funded, documentary about how wildfires have  affected Brazil's wetlands - the Pantanal. I worked closely with local organisations in my home country to raise awareness about endangered species and climate change in an ecosystem that is very close to my heart. My documentary won several awards and marked the beginning of my career as a wildlife cinematographer.

Photo credits: Rafael Mitsuo

After working as a camera technician at a kit rental house, where I helped prep and develop kit for BBC NHU landmark series such as Frozen Planet 2 and Planet Earth 3, I started camera assisting on wildlife shoots.

I now work as a camerawoman (second camera, camera assistant and drone pilot) on natural history series for National Geographic, Disney+ and the BBC NHU. My work has taken me around the world, from dry deserts to remote rainforests, and in 2023 alone I spent over 200 days on location filming wildlife and assisting on shoots! 

Overview of my experience

Camera work



Other skills

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